Our Stake JustServe representative has put together service opportunities available this fall. Please see the billboard in the Stake Center with many service opportunities for adults, youth, and children.
Click here for the most updated youth calendar information
Every Thursday @ 7:00pm - Our full-time missionaries teach a Book of Mormon Study class at the Stake Center in the Young Women's room. All are welcome!
Mission Possible! If you are 16+, come grab some snacks and join a discussion about what missionaries do, hear experiences from newly returned missionaries, meet others who are thinking about "gathering Israel”, learn how to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and bring a friend! Each Sunday at 2:30pm in the High Council Room at the Shea Building. If you have any questions, please text Brother Steve Mitchell at 602-358-6780..
These events are for all singles 31 and over and are held every second Friday evening and third Monday evening of each month at the Shea building.
Go to https://www.facebook.com/PVStake/ and like and follow for stake info
Search for "paradise valley ward news & info" on Facebook or click here to go directly to the group and request to join.
Sisters Broadbent & Fuimaono: (480) 799-4850